WMKV Ownership / Business Practices

Message to supporters regarding contributions to the radio station:
WMKV(FM) is licensed to Maple Knoll Communities, Inc. and is a non-profit organization exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and gifts and contributions to us are deductible within the limits prescribed by law. In accordance with Section 170(f)(8) of the Code, we gratefully acknowledge your gift and advise that of the amount received, part shall constitute a charitable gift, and the balance shall be allocable to the estimated fair market value of the premium you received. We are thankful for friends like you.
WMKV's Mission
WMKV is a public radio telecommunications entity owned and operated by Maple Knoll Communities, Inc. . WMKV strives to serve as an informational and entertainment companion to seniors, caregivers, and families. WMKV believes in the preservation of broadcast history and Cincinnati’s rich broadcast tradition. We serve as the area’s last true local radio service, produced largely for, about, and by seniors, while exposing new generations to musical standards and nostalgia and spreading critical aging, arts, veterans, and public service information, with a respectful, largely apolitical, and friendly presentation. We strive to provide diversity in our presentation of music, cultural arts, information, and entertainment content. Founded in 1995, WMKV targets older adults with their programming, including big bands, classic radio comedies and dramas, and oldies as well as many informational broadcasts and events that include discussions relevant to older adults and their caregivers. The station is housed on the campus of Maple Knoll Village, a retirement community in Springdale, Ohio.
Maple Knoll Communities, Inc. Mission
Maple Knoll Communities, Inc. is recognized as a growing provider of outstanding senior communities and services that allow those we serve to thrive in a stimulating and dignified environment—achieved through creativity and responsible fiscal stewardship.
Maple Knoll Communities, Inc. Vision Statement
Maple Knoll strives to deliver the best lifestyle possible through its comprehensive options, amenities, and services. Maple Knoll strives to create the best time in life for its residents, clients, and members.
Disclosure of Business Practices:
1. What is your policy regarding customer privacy?
We never provide any other parties except our licensee, Maple Knoll Communities, Inc., with access to your email address, postal address, or any other information that we may collect from you.
2. Do you use cookies, and do you store any information on my machine?
WMKV FM uses cookies and stores information on your machine in the electronic commerce process. For more information, please refer to WMKV's privacy policy (click here.)
3. Will the customer be informed of problems with a delivery and their options?
We will contact you as soon as we know your order will be delayed. The only reason your order could be delayed is if your credit card is declined or your check is returned, in which case we will contact you immediately for another card number or to make other payment arrangements.
4. How are the items normally delivered?
Items are generally delivered via US Postal Service Ground or UPS Ground.
5. Are there any charges related to ordering electronically?
No. No additional fees are charged when placing an order electronically.
6. If I have a question or complaint, where can I mail it?
c/o Maple Knoll Communities, Inc.
11100 Springfield Pike
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
7. Is there a phone number where I can reach an employee?
Contact George Zahn, Station Director, WMKV FM, at (513) 782-2427 or Toll-Free at 1-877-772-9658 (WMKV).
8. Customer Service:
For customer service and other information contact us at (513) 782-2427 or Toll-Free at 1-877-772-9658 (WMKV), Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST. Any calls placed outside those hours will be transferred to our voice mail system and will be returned the next business day.
9. WMKV's Licensee, Maple Knoll Communities, Inc., Corporate Information:
For more information regarding WMKV's privacy policy, please click here.
10. WMKV EEO Public File Report:
To view WMKV's EEO Public File Report, please click here.
11. Notice: Community Advisory Board Meeting Announcement:
The WMKV Community Advisory Board meets regularly at least twice per year. The meetings are open to the public. Our next meeting, open to the public, will be held on September 30th 2024, at 1 pm in the Maple Knoll Village conference room. More information at 513-782-2427. For the latest minutes of our last meeting, click here. For WMKV’s next CAB meeting agenda, please click here.
12. WMKV Senior Management:
General Manager George Zahn
Maple Knoll VP of Marketing Megan Ulrich (mulrich@mkcommunities.org)
WMKV Community Advisory Board Members:
Mr. John Anderson
Ms. Kay Casey
Mr. Nate Henderson
Mr. Ken Mandel (chair)
Mr. Zac Corbett
14. WMKV strives to create community-responsive programming for a diverse listening audience, including multi-cultural and inter-generational music, historic radio comedies and dramas, important topical discussion programs, and educational fare such as Kaleidoscope, with a welcoming non-divisive atmosphere for all ages and backgrounds. For the latest WMKV Quarterly Program Issues list,
click here. For our additional recent outreach/programming efforts,
click here.
15. To view WMKV’s Diversity Statement,
click here.
To view WMKV's Ownership Reports, click here.
Note: The next Maple Knoll Communities Board Meeting is a closed meeting TBD. This and most Maple Knoll Communities board meetings are closed due to highly proprietary information and discussion of business details that would compromise growth and development of the organization if released prematurely. Meetings also often address specific employee or health details that are particular to a health care facility and organization. Maple Knoll Communities board meetings addressing specifically WMKV issues will make that portion of the meeting open. WMKV’s Community Advisory Board meetings are open and will include a representative of Maple Knoll Communities management at those meetings as any concerns of the station would arise.
17. WMKV Financial Reports:
Most Recent WMKV Financial Statement, click here.
FY 2022 Financial Summary Report (FSR), click here.
18. Maple Knoll Communities Board listing is available here.