Business Support


How To Support WMKV 89.3 FM

WMKV 89.3 FM is funded by its listeners, Maple Knoll Village and local businesses and organizations.

Businesses and organizations BENEFIT by sponsoring WMKV programming and reaching our highly desirable, affluent, public radio audience.

  • Statistics have shown that baby boomer buying power is expected to grow over 20% over the next decade.
  • Mature markets over the age of 50 have shown greater luxury expenditure in travels and general purchases.
  • 50% of baby boomers use their smartphones to make purchases.
  • Adults over the age of 50, expenditure averaging billions is expected annually online.

Not capitalizing on this market could mean lost revenue and opportunity for new business expansion and brand awareness.

There is no better marketing VALUE to reach Boomers and their families than to sponsor programming on WMKV 89.3FM/WLHS 89.9FM.


  • No tune-out factor as your 20-30 second message stands alone with no commercial clutter
  • Your non-commercial message is present in a non-invasive manner and blends in with programming
  • Listeners feel a bond with sponsors who support the programs they support themselves
  • Listeners are more likely to conduct business with a WMKV sponsor because of that common bond
  • No charge for copywriting or production services

For more information on underwriting or sponsorships call WMKV Sales Rep. Michelle Barkan at 513-782-8678 or